Most recent chapters will be displayed first. Go back on the blog archive to find the beginning of the story. Thank you!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chapter Seven

“Caln, we have to leave.”

His sister’s voice washed over him as if from a distance and Caln nodded slowly, his gray eyes refusing to leave the object of their attention. It was Mrara, as it had been for the last few days without fail. He rarely let his eyes stray from her and she rarely strayed far from his side since that first night. The wild girl took the time to go back to the dragons during the night, but by sunup she was back with the humans, curious, learning and always with Caln.

Today, she’d risked pulling away from his side, though, to speak with Caab, to try and teach the Animal-Speaker a more detailed form of speech in her own tongue. It caused many a laugh from Caab and Mrara would often chirp or warble in amusement for his efforts.

Caln found that it didn’t bother him to see her laughing with someone else…not when her amber eyes constantly sought him out, making sure she knew where he was.

The War-Leader wasn’t the only one who noted this behavior. Caln could tell that Danil was making many silent observations of his own and when the red-haired male spoke it was always in a logical way, always helpful in regards to communicating with the wild girl. Danil’s ideas usually worked, too.

Asin was more along the lines of teasing Caln over the behavior of his ’tamed dragoness’ and Fara joined in often, both of them highly amused to see their leader so focused on ONE girl. Befni didn’t seem to much care, more focused on the mountains around them and wanting to go home. Her brother was waiting for her.

Weln was more wary of the whole thing. She had never seen her brother give a female more than a few minutes of his time, maybe a few days. Oh, he never did anything dishonorable, but he was a flirt and every girl who talked with him, spent time with him knew he would never give them anything serious. The only people Caln gave honest commitment too were his siblings and the members of his tribe - while admittedly giving his friendship more to the males than the females.

To see him so focused, honestly so, on Mrara…it made Weln wonder. And she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not. Watching her brother now and seeing that he really wasn’t paying attention to her, she felt her irritation rise and she stood from her place at his side to stand before him, hands on hips.

“Jagason to Caln! Hello!”

The dark blond male started, his gray eyes coming up to meet his sister’s brown ones. He smiled a bit sheepishly at her glare and forced himself to pay attention to her words.

“We have to GO. Winter is setting in and we told the tribe we’d be back before it took a strong hold.”

Nevermind. He really didn’t want to hear what she had to say. Caln sighed, rolling his neck and hearing the bones crack. “I know.”

Weln raised a brow beneath her blond hair. “And?”

Caln resisted the urge to curse as his eyes slid to look at Mrara again. He KNEW what needed to be done. He wasn’t stupid and he wasn’t oblivious to the weather, to the darkening of the clouds day by day, of the biting wind that only gained more and more of an icy quality as the hours passed. He knew all this and what it meant. He just…he couldn’t leave her.

The War-Leader didn’t know WHAT it was that had drawn them together, but Mrara felt it too. The fact that she was so willing to interact with them - well, sort of - despite her obvious wariness of their kind showed that she was pulled by something stronger than her instincts and logic, too.

Caln didn’t want to leave her. He didn’t think he COULD. It had nothing to do with not caring about his tribe members or being weak-willed. It had everything to do with looking into those amber eyes and feeling like he was both lost and right where he needed to be at the same time. It had everything to do with feeling like for the first time in his life….something was RIGHT.

He just didn’t know how to explain that to anyone else. It didn’t really matter to them anyway. His sister was right. They needed to go whether he was ready for it or not.

Caln brought his gray eyes back to his sister’s waiting brown ones and he saw the sympathy in her gaze now, giving testament to the fact that something of his thoughts must have shown on his face. The War-Leader quickly got his face back under his control, making his sibling blink in surprise for the mask, but Weln didn’t comment as Caln spoke.

“We’ll leave tomorrow.”

“Caln, it doesn’t have to be so soon. We can-”

“No.” The dark blond male rose from his seated position in one fluid motion that took no effort at all, something he would not have been able to do just a week ago for the sickness he silently battled. Now, however, the illness had left and it hadn’t come back. It was mystery to everyone….everyone except Caln, but he could hardly explain that it was Mrara that kept the sickness at bay….and that he had no idea HOW she did it.

No, that wouldn’t go over well.

Caln looked down at his sister now, his height much greater than her own and he spoke quietly, for her ears only. “I won’t want to leave a few days from now anymore than I want to leave tomorrow. I don’t want to leave at all if she isn’t coming, too.”

Weln’s eyes widened in surprise for a long moment before she looked thoughtful and nodded slowly, thinking she might understand a little better her brother’s mind. Just a little. “Maybe she will come with us.” It was a slight hope, but it was all she could offer him.

“And how are we to convey to her that request?”

Caln’s voice was tired, frustrated and he shook his head when Weln looked to respond, settling a hand on her shoulder, offering a slight smile. It was a smile that didn’t reach his eyes in the least. “We will leave tomorrow, Weln. Whether Mrara comes with us or not does not have any bearing on my loyalty to the Enasien and the promise I made to Sif.”

The War-Leader said no more than that, sidestepping his sibling as he made his way over to Caab and Mrara. Weln watched him go, feeling both like her words were valid and yet like the greatest jerk in the world. Yes, her brother would keep his promise - she hadn’t doubted that - and Mrara had no influence over his loyalty to their tribe…but what of his happiness? What kind of key did the wild girl now hold to her brother’s heart?

And how likely was it that Mrara KNEW how much she meant to Caln at this point?


Zefir’enel remained quiet as Bor’sanin led her down the white streets. People bustled about them, oblivious to the fact that they were near not one, but two mutants and the young woman could not help but feel both exposed and yet completely hidden in their presence.

She fingered her brown hair again, making a face, not liking the results of the injection her brother had given her in the least. Bor’sanin had assured her it was only temporary, a new type of serum developed by mutants, for mutants, but Zefir’enel was no happier for knowing that. She missed her white hair already and when she’d looked in the mirror, it wasn’t violet eyes in a pale face that looked back at her but blue ones in a brown-skinned face.

Bor’sanin had brought her new clothes; designer red jeans, a white under-tank and an over-tank that was dark green in color and sparkled faintly in the sunlight. Her shoes were white boots, expensive.

Zefir’enel had looked at her brother like he was crazy when he’d presented the articles of clothing to her. What was she going to do with her tail in skinny jeans!?

Bor’sanin had calmly explained after her outburst that she needed to blend in with the people around them and that her tail was no longer visible. Zefir’enel had checked her tail then and seen that it was true. She could FEEL the appendage, but she couldn’t see it at all. The fact had been disturbing. Actually, it was STILL disturbing. The young woman felt like everyone could see the tail as it wrapped around her leg on the outside of her jeans, staying close to her body out of her fear that it would be hit or touched by someone passing by. She felt like any minute the effects of the serum would wear off and she’d be left with the aftermath of everyone seeing she was a freak.

Zefir’enel shivered, trying to push the thought away as she stayed even closer to Bor’sanin,. To take the place of her previous thoughts came ones less disturbing but equally as serious and the young woman resisted the urge to bring her hand up to the incision behind her ear and under her hair. Bor’sanin had brought a man - perhaps even a mutant, she didn’t know - to the apartment just yesterday to remove the chip. The doctor - well, she hoped he was a doctor - hadn’t spoken a word and Zefir’enel had been forced to trust her sibling when he told her everything was going to be fine and that though the man didn’t speak much, he was trustworthy.

She’d let them put her under anesthesia and the next thing she remembered was waking to find the man gone and her brother at her side. Her head had ached, but somehow she’d felt more…safe? Perhaps it was just psychological, knowing the chip was out and therefore she was untraceable, but Zefir’enel had felt safer all the same.

She just wished she felt that way now. The young woman sighed, pushing these thoughts away as well, bringing her attention back to where they were headed. They were on the first circle again, among the rich and the snobbish. Her brother was leading her across the white bridge-streets toward the center platforms where the shops and stores stood.

Each building was red, but the designs and signs on each one set them apart from each other and Zefir’enel noted that they were entering a clothing store of all places. She cast a glance up at her brother, but his brown eyes told her to remain quiet so she did, following him as they made their way through the store, bypassing clothes and shoppers, a jewelry stand and cashier desks as they ventured further in and toward the back of the store. It wasn’t until they came to doors marked for personnel that Bor’sanin looked around carefully and set his hand on the scanning pad next to the door. There was a faint beeping sound followed by red light that seeped past her brother’s fingers and then the screen changed again to a friendlier blue glow and the door slid open.

Zefir’enel followed her sibling without question, but she could not help looking back, wondering just what her brother had done. Curiosity about what was ahead and another warning from Bor’sanin with a finger to his lips to be quiet had the young woman focusing her mental energy on the path they were taking as they weaved through the darker storerooms that resembled a warehouse.

Towering shelves lined the walls and created aisles, and the sound of hover-vehicles could be heard echoing throughout the large rooms. Bor’sanin didn’t seemed concerned by these things, though, as he pulled Zefir’enel toward a small transporter by a back wall. It was an old model, perhaps used for sending shipments in the past, but now it was seemingly abandoned, but also unmovable unless taken apart and rewired - things that took time and money the store obviously didn’t want to bother with.

Zefir’enel watched as Bor’sanin typed in a code that brought the small platform to life just like the large one that had taken them to the second level had done. She glanced at her brother and got an approving nod before she stepped on the glowing platform and Bor’sanin followed a moment later. Together they disappeared from the warehouse….into a dark tunnel?

The young woman’s eyes tried to adjust to the dimness, blinking rapidly like an owl and then she was blinking again, shielding her eyes as a bright light was shone into them.

“Damn it, Exit! Point that thing away from our faces!”

Bor’sanin’s irritated voice soothed Zefir’enel jumpy nerves and she blinked rapidly when the light was gone from her direct vision before focusing on the grinning black man who looked like he could nearly disappearing into the gloom of the tunnel but for the glow-light he carried that outlined his whip-like figure.

“Who’ve you brought with you, Borin?” Exit’s voice was young and Zefir’enel watched his silver eyes scan her from head to toe before the black man smiled again, both friendly and flirtatious all at once. “Good afternoon, beautiful. Which part of heaven did you fall from?”

Bor’sanin growled, stepping forward and shoving Exit’s shoulder, making the young man yelp in surprise. “That’s my sister, you moron.”

Zefir’enel giggled, unable to help it as Exit winced and then smiled sheepishly at her. “Very sorry, lovely. Hope I didn’t offend you.”

The young woman shook her head, stepping off the platform and holding out her hand. “Not at all. I am Zefir’enel….and your name is Exit?” She asked the question as the black man took her hand, shaking it gently with a smile on his face. He nodded an affirmative. “Yep! I was born Exon’ikiit, but I haven’t been that name in years.”

Well, that was certainly strange. Zefir’enel frowned in a puzzled way and looked up at her brother, studying him as she realized something. “Why did he call you ‘Borin’? Is your name different, too?”

“It is.” Her brother put his hand at the small of her back, guiding her forward as they walked and Exit came with them at the rear. Zefir’enel had to wonder if he was acting as a guard of some kind or maybe an escort. She still didn’t know where she was, but Bor’sanin was still talking so she tried to quiet her mind for now and listen. She needed to learn all she could. The young woman didn’t feel like she had a great deal of time to do so.

“Every mutant who joins the Resistance acquires a True Name to replace their Born Name.”

Zefir’enel wrinkled her nose, confused. “Why? What is wrong with your old name?”

Exit, still behind them, chuckled and Bor’sanin smiled, but let the other man explain as Zefir’enel turned her head a little to the whip-thin male, trusting that Bor’sanin wouldn’t let her fall flat on her face even though she wasn’t watching where they were going, not fully anyway.

“There is nothing ‘wrong’ with a Born Name, but it’s not a name one chooses. It represents an old life and an old way of living. A True Name is given or chosen when a person accomplishes a great feat, overcomes a fear or someone important to them decides on a name that fits and gives it as a gift.”

The young woman thought about that, turning forward again. What they said made strange sense, but something was tugging at her, something they’d not said, something logical… Finally it came to her and to Zefir’enel it almost felt like the idea didn’t come from HER, but from someth-…no, not something. Someone. Definitely someone who was beyond her…and yet connected to her as well.

The sudden feeling of being watched swept through the young woman fiercely and she was hard-pressed not to look around in a suspicious manner. She knew she wouldn’t find anything. She never did. Over the past few days, the dreams had been growing more frequent, more demanding in a way…and then she’d started to feel like she was being observed in the same way she was observing the black-haired, pale-green eyed man in her sleep.

She had grown almost used to it, but this…this was different. It felt like the person watching her was trying to communicate with her this time and though her head said it wasn’t a good idea, her instincts said differently and she found herself cautiously accepting the ‘idea’ that had come into her head so quickly.

“Those on the outside use such names and methods as well. How did those inside the City know this?”

Bor’sanin seemed to stiffen beside her and when Zefir’enel glanced back, Exit’s mouth had dropped and he looked from her to her brother before speaking in barely controlled way. “Dude, what IS her power?!”

Okay, so not so controlled.

“I can-” Zefir’enel started to answer when Bor’sanin cut her off, his expression stern. He’d worn that expression since they’d left the small apartment. She wondered if she’d ever see her smiling brother again…

“That’s for Sea and Tesra to hear first and you know it.”


“No, Exit.”

The black man scowled, but the facial expression didn’t last long as he glanced at Zefir’enel and saw she was nervously smiling, apologetic. An answering smile stretched across Exit’s face and he shrugged. “Ah, don’t worry about it, beautiful. We’ll all know soon enough. I just like giving Borin a hard time.” He winked and the young woman chuckled, looking up at her brother who only shook his head and started walking again.

Zefir’enel went back to paying attention to where they were headed and she was glad for the fact as her eyes took in the strangest sight she’d yet to see. The tunnel before them had suddenly widened into a cavern-like place filled with flat, wooden rafts with small houses built atop them. She counted at least five of the houses all circled together. There were strong chains attached to the large rafts and then to the floor. A great deal of length of chain settled in coils between the wood and the large rings they were attached to in the cement of the tunnel and Zefir’enel could not help but wonder WHY? It wasn’t like the houses could be stolen…

The young woman’s currently blue eyes flickered over the ‘cavern‘, taking in the glow-sticks of blue, yellow and white light everywhere, hundreds of them attached to the cement walls and hundreds more dangling from the crisscrossing metal rods and beams of steel above their heads, something she’d not noticed before in the darkness of the tunnel.

Where WERE they?


“We’re under the streets.”

Zefir’enel’s head whipped around to stare at her brother, mouth open. “What!?”

Exit laughed, walking past her and toward the houses and the young woman slowly followed as Bor’sanin’ nudged her back and prodded her to start moving, too. The black man ahead of her started to talk and explain what her brother had meant.

“The streets are bridges above the second circle, yes? Well, bridges are thick and because there are lights and electronics on the streets, there have to be cables and wires, but those can’t be on the surface. This is the inside of a street. This is where the water comes when it rains up top and where the waste goes when it disappears down the drains.” Exit winked. “And this is where the mutants go to escape the Government.”

“Surely they must know you are here, though?” She couldn’t fathom how they could not and Bor’sanin nodded, confirming her suspicions. “They do, but we are faster then they are and what they destroy, we can rebuild with efficiency. They can’t find all of us at once and when they flood these tunnels, the rafts keep us alive.”

Oh! Suddenly those chains made sense! When the tunnels flooded, the chains kept the rafts from floating away or crashing into the walls. Smart.

Zefir’enel nodded, showing her understanding and watched Exit disappear into one of the houses as she and her brother stopped just short of stepping on to the raft. The young woman looked up at her older sibling, raising a brow. “So, should I call you Bor’sanin or Borin?”

Finally her brother smiled and the blond male shook his head, setting his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. “Whichever you choose. I shall answer to both.”

“I think I like Borin.” Zefir’enel said it without hesitation and she felt it was true. Her brother had talked about a True Name like it was a great honor and she didn’t want to take that from him. Yes, she’d call him Borin from now on. It was his name now.

“You’ll get your own name soon, you know.”

Zefir’enel gave her sibling a look, but didn’t get to comment as Exit came back out of the wood house with a black woman in tow. Despite the fact that Exit’s hair was black and this woman’s was silver and that Exit’s eyes were silver and the female’s were blue, there was no denying the family resemblance between the two. They had the same mouth, the same nose and same slender build. It was obvious the woman was older by a few years, though as there was a maturity about her that was not apparent in her brother.

“Zefir’enel, this is my sister, Sea. Borin, you already know her so don’t get your feelings hurt just ‘cause I didn’t introduce you, too.”

Exit laughed as Sea rolled her eyes and shoved him out of the way, stepping off the raft and smiling in a friendly way at Borin and then at Zefir’enel as she held out her hand. “I’m Sea. Welcome to the Resistance, Zefir’enel. I trust you have a power, yes?”

“I do. Borin is my brother. He said I would be safe here?”

Sea’s smile widened. “Of course! We take care of our own. Now come inside, tell us about yourself and what’s brought you here.” The black woman turned and went to the door, holding it open as Borin gave his sister an encouraging nod and Zefir’enel passed into the house. She was surprised to find that it was well-lit and well-furnished. The sofa looked old, but comfortable with tasteful green hues in the mostly gray fabric. A table big enough to hold four people and made out of a sturdy wood that looked to be oak stood in a small dining area and the kitchen was simple, but looked welcoming, painted a bright, cheery yellow and the cabinets a brick red.

Zefir’enel took a closer look at the sink, though, seeing that there was a faucet. It puzzled her and she turned to look at her brother, Exit and Sea, brows furrowed. “How do you get running water down here?”

Sea chuckled, moving to sit on the couch in the small living room. “Del. She is a Water-Controller. We have tanks full of water and we collect more every time it rains up top or the tunnels get flooded. Anyway, Del can make the water push through the pipes we have in this house for showers and dishes and such. It takes effort for her so we’ve all learned to be quick about our business. The pipes are on a loop, going from the tanks to the shower or the faucets and then back to the tanks again. Del purifies the water on the way back to the tanks so we can reuse it.”

“Wow.” Zefir’enel wasn’t sure what more she could say as she sank down on the couch beside the black woman. She watched as Exit flopped down on the love-seat, his thin body taking up more room than it should have. Borin took a seat on the arm of the love-seat, not even attempting to take a normal seat and try to move Exit. That wasn’t what made the young woman tilt her head at him, though. It was the smile on his face. It was a strangely proud…strangely happy….no, not happy…lovestruck smile! Her brother had a girlfriend! Or at least a crush!

Zefir’enel felt the smile on her face grow sly and she raised a brow, looking at Sea. “So, this Del. How old is she?”


“And is she involved with anyone?”

Sea looked puzzled for a moment, looking over at Borin, but when she saw the way the Firefighter was glaring at his sister, the black woman got it and a grin grew on her face as she looked back at Zefir’enel. “Why yes, yes she is.”

Zefir’enel’s smile widened. “Oh?”

“Oh, for the love of the twin suns! Del and I are dating, Zefir’enel! I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you about it until now! Geez!”

“See? Was that so hard?” Zefir’enel poked fun at her sibling, ignoring his baleful look and Exit started laughing so hard he had to hold his sides as they started to hurt. Zefir’enel looked around at the three other people in the room and suddenly she felt like she belonged. It was strange. She didn’t KNOW the two siblings and she’d just gotten here, but it felt like for the first time in her life….this place was right were she belonged.

At least for now.

The young woman blinked at that thought, startled by it. That…hadn’t been her! What did the ‘person’ mean by “for now”? She didn’t have any other place to go, thankyouverymuch! The voice or the person or whatever that made the random thoughts pop in her head didn’t deign to answer her snapping mental tone and Zefir’enel decided to ignore him.

Him?….Yeah, him. It felt male…sounded male in a way. Definitely a male. Besides, it was easier thinking of the voice or person in terms of gender. Less confusing.

“So how were you discovered?”

Zefir’enel jolted out of her own head, realizing that a conversation had been started without her knowing it and she blinked, forcing herself to focus on what was happening around her. “I’m sorry, what?”

The young woman ignored her brother’s worried look, knowing what he was thinking. She didn’t really have a way to tell him she wasn’t having a vision without just saying it, though. So she said nothing and paid attention to Sea who’d asked the question instead.

“How were you discovered? Most mutants don’t realize there are safe places for them until their powers are revealed and one of us gets to them in time.”

“Oh! Umm…Borin discovered me…or rather, I revealed what I could do to him.”

Sea blinked, surprised. “Really? That’s unusual. Most mutants don’t trust their gifts to family members.”

Zefir’enel shrugged, glancing at Borin with a slight smile, but a fleeting haunted expression in her blue eyes. “I didn’t really have a choice. I hadn’t planned on telling anyone, but Borin would have died had I not said something.”

The young woman could almost FEEL how Sea stiffened and she saw Exit sit up, instantly serious and alert. “Borin, what happened, man?” The concern on the black man’s face was touching to see and Zefir’enel noted the same expression adorned Sea’s face as they watched her brother. It made her wonder how long Borin had been here, known these people. How long had he been living two lives?

“Nothing, thanks to Zefir’enel. She got to me before anything could happen. I think, because of HOW she was able to warn me, however, she should see Tesra.”

Sea’s eyebrows rose as she glanced at Zefir’enel and when she glanced at Borin again, the Firefighter nodded. The black woman turned her full attention to the newest mutant then. “What IS your power, Zefir’enel?”

The young woman looked around at the three who watched her and then down at the brown hair she twirled around her finger, suddenly nervous. The words felt like they didn’t want to come out of her throat, but she made them, voice quiet. “I have visions of the future…and I have a tail.” She looked up to see the reactions, unable to help it and was met with wide eyes by Exit, something like excitement and yet awe in the expression on his face.

His silver eyes flickered down to the lower half of her torso, like he was looking for the tail she spoke of and Zefir’enel, despite her sense of extreme self-consciousness in that moment, smiled slightly. “Borin gave me some kind of injection. You can’t see it right now.”

“Can you control them? How do you know they are true visions and ones of the future?”

The questions, almost demanding from Sea, had the newest mutant recoiling slightly and then feeling defensive. She set her hand on her tail to keep the ‘invisible‘ appendage from lashing out, feeling it starting to twitch in a warning manner due to her own nervousness and the beginning of irritation.

“No, I can‘t control them yet, but I’m learning. It’s a relatively new development in my life.” She raised a chin in a somewhat proud and defiant way. “My visions always happen unless I stop them somehow. THAT’S how I know they are real and the fact that I CAN stop them means they HAVE to be in the future. I think that is logical and proof enough.”

The black woman nodded and offered a smile. Zefir’enel noted that it was shaky. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, it’s just… You’re a Seer!” She nearly breathed the last word and Zefir’enel’s eyes flickered around, uncertain as to why this was such a big deal. She wasn’t afraid of showing her lack of awe about her own gift, either.


“Moon, Seers are extremely rare in the mutant world, even among those outside of the Cities. It’s a powerful gift.”

“How do you know that? How do you know there aren’t MANY more like me outside the Cities?” the young woman demanded of her brother, feeling like a weight was settling on her shoulders that she didn’t want in the least and wasn’t ready for, didn’t appreciate. She nearly glared at Borin, but he just looked back at her with a sympathetic expression and an understanding one, seemingly well aware of how uncertain she was becoming.

“Tesra is a mutant here who can sense any and all types of powers in Jagason, both within the Cities and without. That is how we know that there ARE people outside the Cities and some of the extent of their powers. None of them have been Seers. Tesra would have known that immediately.”

Zefir’enel raised a brow and crossed her arms. She moved her leg subtly to set it over her tail to keep the thing pinned. The last thing she needed was for it to hit someone in the eye…or just hit anyone at all. “So why didn’t she know about me?”

“She did. She just didn’t know WHAT your power was. Tesra told us there was a great power within this City, something she couldn’t identify with certainty and the last time she said that about someone, it was the Seer Calon. He was killed around forty years ago.”

“How do you know she said that?” Zefir’enel’s voice was small now, but still trying to hold on to the stubbornness. Those around her seemed to know why she was doing it, though, and Sea was gentle in her next words. “We have written records that have been kept by mutants for nearly sixty years now.”

Zefir’enel felt the fight go out of her, unsure what she could say in the face of this type of logic and the young woman sighed, looking down at her hands as she uncrossed her arms. “Can I see her? Talk to her?”

“Of course.” Sea assented quietly, but she settled a hand on Zefir’enel’s. “But first, will you allow me to help you control your gift? Tesra is very sensitive to other people’s powers and she is an older woman. I am not saying you would hurt her…”

Zefir‘enel nodded, cutting Sea off, though, it appeared like the other woman didn‘t want to continue her line of thought anyway. “I understand. Do what you need to do.” The young woman closed her eyes, bracing herself for she knew not what, but Sea did nothing at first and Zefir’enel peeked an eye open after a moment to see the black female grinning.

“Relax, Zefir’enel. It’s not going to hurt.”

Releasing a breath she hadn’t really been aware she was holding, Zefir’enel tried to do as she was told, relaxing her body as Sea put a hand on her forehead. The young woman felt a subtle glow of warmth seep into her skull until it wrapped around her entire head and then it was gone more quickly then it had come. Zefir’enel opened her artificial blue eyes then to see that Sea’s eyes were a vivid violet.

The change startled Zefir’enel and she pulled back slightly, staring. Sea smiled, but it was Exit who spoke, breaking the awkward silence - something Zefir’enel noted he did often and seemed quite good at.

“Well, now we know what color YOUR eyes are, beautiful.”

Borin smacked the black man lightly as he rose off the arm of the couch and held out a hand to his sister to pull her to her feet. “Sea’s power isn’t permanent and it takes effort for her to control your gift. We should go see Tesra now.”

“Okay.” Zefir’enel nodded in a small way and looked down at Sea with a tentative smile. “Thank you.”

The black woman only smiled back, nodding back, but she didn’t speak and Zefir’enel wondered just how much control the other female had to exert to keep the visions under control. Zefir’enel knew that they were powerful - she had to live with them - but she knew she wasn’t really aware of HOW powerful they were yet. Maybe Sea would be able to help her figure that out later?

Borin led her out of the house quickly after that and Zefir’enel noted that Exit didn’t follow them, perhaps staying behind to encourage his sister, and the young woman suddenly felt nervous all over again. She followed her brother as he took her to the last raft-house in the group of dwellings and then stopped on the front ‘porch’, opening the door, but making no move to go in. At Zefir’enel’s puzzled look, Borin spoke quietly.

“Tesra finds it hard to focus on one person if there is more than one person present and she is fragile now that she is old. It would be better if you saw her alone. Do not worry, she won’t bite.” The teasing dig on the end of the sentence had Zefir’enel straightening her shoulders and casting her brother a scathing look as she marched into the house without hesitation.

It was only as the door shut behind her and she was out of eyesight of her sibling that Zefir’enel felt her nervousness come back and she hunched in on herself a little as she looked around. Everything was warm about this home, simple but warm. The colors were soft greens and blues and while the house was set up almost identical to the one she’d left, if smaller, Zefir’enel felt like this place was more welcoming. It exuded safety and the young woman found herself relaxing again as she moved forward slowly, looking around and being careful not to bump into or touch anything.


There was no immediate answer, but a woman with dark brown hair streaked with gray and kind brown eyes soon appeared from the area of the kitchen and the older woman smiled upon seeing Zefir’enel, revealing a wrinkled face.  “Ah, they have found you. Good. I knew they would.” she said kindly before bustling back into the kitchen and Zefir’enel blinked, but smiled despite herself as she followed the woman into the kitchen, peeking her head around the wall before her body followed.

The smells of fresh cookies and something like stew tickled her nose in a wave of deliciousness and Zefir’enel blushed as her stomach growled. Loudly. The woman - she had to have been Tesra - laughed at the sound, her old face crinkled in amusement.

“Would you like a bowl of stew, dear?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to-”

“Nonsense. Everyone is family in this place. After all, we are all we have. Now sit down and eat something. You look half-starved.”

Zefir’enel knew that particular comment wasn’t true in the least - she wasn’t that thin - but she took a seat at the small, rickety table anyway and after Tesra had ladled a bowl of food and set it before her, the old woman sat in a chair opposite the young woman.

Her brown eyes met Zefir’enel’s blue ones kindly. “Now, what is your name, dear?”

“Zefir’enel. Sea told me that you don’t know what I can do…but that you could sense me?

“Yes, that is true. My gift is to know all the powers that reside in Jagason. It’s easier the closer the people with gifts are, but if I concentrate I can sense those far away as well.”

Zefir’enel tilted her head, confused and rightfully so. And she felt like she could express that confusion to this woman, like Tesra wouldn’t judge her for it and would be patient. It was nice to feel like she had someone she could confide in completely. But then, maybe it was just the fact that Tesra was so motherly and warm that made it easy to want to trust her.

“How do you not know what my power is then?”

Tesra didn’t lose her warmth, but she did seem to grow more serious and Zefir’enel took her cue from the strange older woman, wondering how it was that it almost felt like they’d known each other for…well, forever. There was no awkwardness, no distrust or wondering what the others’ motives might be between them. There was just calm acceptance, like they’d always known they’d meet, that this discussion would happen and in a way….Zefir’enel felt like she had know this. In some way, she’d known she’d have to meet a mentor at some point. Her gift was just too….strange for her to handle on her own forever.

And Tesra seemed to be easily sliding into the role the young woman needed without effort. So Zefir’enel listened to her with reservation.

“I can distinguish the kinds of powers around me, child. I can also determine the stronger powers in a group and the strongest powers among a group of strongly gifted people, but there are three powers that even I find impossible to name properly.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are three gifts in this world that are so powerful that they look like nothing more than bright suns to my gift. There is no way to see past the brightness and intensity these powers exhibit to determine what they are specifically.”

Zefir’enel looked down at her stew, untouched, and sighed out slowly before tucking her brown hair behind her ear. She really didn’t like seeing it that color. “My power is one of the three, isn’t it?”

Tesra nodded slowly, her smile encouraging as she set her soft and wrinkled hand over one of Zefir’enel’s from across the table. “It is, child, but you are not alone in this category.”

The young woman looked up at that, eyes wide, face hopeful and that hope shone through in her voice as she leaned forward slightly in anticipation. “There are more? More Seers like me?”

“No, not Seers, child.”

“Oh.” Zefir’enel sat back again, feeling the excitement plummet, but it didn’t disappear entirely as the young woman held on to it, frowning a little in thought before she spoke, looking sidelong at the older woman with the wise brown eyes. “But there ARE others with enough power to remain un-categorized by you, yes?”

Tesra smiled in an almost secretive, but proud way, like a teacher looks at a student who‘s answered the question correctly. “Yes.”

“Who are they?”

“If I knew that, young one, I would have known who you were!” the older woman laughed and Zefir’enel blushed again, ducking her head and letting her hair fall forward. Tesra chuckled, patting her hand in a grandmotherly manner. “Eat, Zefir’enel, and then we will talk.”

Tesra rose then and went back to her cooking and Zefir’enel did as she was told, thinking all the while. When she finally finished her stew, Tesra knew it and came back over, sitting once more. Zefir’enel felt more awake now, better able to think logically and put that to good use as she rested her arms on the table and looked at the older woman.

“How do you know that the other powers you sense AREN’T Seers? You didn’t know I WAS one.”

Tesra nodded, conceding that this question was a wise one, but Zefir’enel could already sense that the older woman had an answer she wasn’t going to like all that much. “I know because there can only be one Seer in Jagason at a time, child, and you are here. Therefore, you cannot be out there.”

The young woman sighed, sitting back and looking around briefly in a vain attempt to distract herself from the weight she suddenly felt pressing down on her. The only Seer? Only ONE?! How was she to learn then? Who was going to teach her? Did that mean she had some kind of responsibility to everyone else if she was the only one who could see the future? How could she do a job when she didn’t even have control of her own power!?

Zefir’enel felt like she might cry and realized her breath was hitching dangerously when Tesra reached across the table again and took her hands. “Shhh, child. It’s not all that bad. You are not alone and no one has asked anything of you yet. Shhh…”

“How am I not alone? There is no one else with my power.” Zefir’enel whispered and she turned her head to wipe her nose on her tank-top. She didn’t like it anyway and would have loved to be out of the high-class clothes and back in her cargo jeans and primary-colored tank-tops and shirts. She felt herself in those things, less like someone important and more like someone who could blend in. She liked it that way when she felt insecure.

“Oh, child. No, there is no one like you with the ability to see the future, to have visions, but there is one who shares the same burden of power that you now do.”

Wet blue eyes looked up and into wise brown ones. “What?”

Tesra smiled gently and in her voice was hope and courage, and she seemed to offer them freely to Zefir’enel now, like lifelines if only the younger woman would grasp them.  Zefir’enel was unsure she wanted to yet, though, not until she knew what it was the other woman spoke of.

“The Three Great Powers are these, Zefir’enel; Sight, Knowledge and Time, and there can only be one of each in existence at a time. If you are the Seer for Jagason then the other Great Power I sense must be a Knower.”

Zefir’enel tilted her head, eyes narrowing, tears stopping as she paid attention to what was being said, as curiosity took over. “A Knower?“ Tesra squeezed her fingers in an excited way, but gentle. “Yes. The person cannot be a Seer because you are here and they cannot be a Timeless because they do not sporadically show up and disappear on my gift’s radar over the course of days or even years. This source of power is steady. Therefore, it must be a Knower that I sense, a Knower that dwells outside the Cities.”

“Tesra…what is a Knower?”

Zefir’enel felt a bubble of something like excitement and yet an incredible nervousness, anticipation and some fear rising up into her chest. She sensed that in this answer lied a key to something important, something she needed to know.

“A Knower is an individual who covers the areas your own power lacks; the past and the present. They know what has happened in the world and what is happening, but they cannot see what will happen.”

“It sounds like an incredibly hard burden to bear.”

Tesra nodded, looking saddened. “It is. Many Knowers can go insane over time. Their gifts give them little rest and many have run themselves ragged trying to work situation they can see in the present to better the future. They can never fully tap into the full potential of their power, either. There is so much to hear, so much to see and understand. Not even their minds can absorb so much information without stop or without filters. Much like your own gift.”

Zefir’enel nodded slowly to show she understood, but her mind was racing. Oh, she understood completely now! She had to leave. She had to leave this City and find the Knower. They were pieces to the same puzzle and they could help each other, she knew they could!

But what made her think that the Knower WANTED her help?

The thought, unbidden and completely running against the stream of thought her own mind was taking nearly made Zefir’enel jump out of her skin and her eyes widened and then closed as she tried to regain some control of her thundering heart.

The voice. He was back and he didn’t sound happy. But why? It wasn’t like she’d been thinking about meddling in his life! She didn’t even know who… Wait. Understanding dawned on her mind like the twin suns rising and Zefir’enel’s eyes flew open with new clarity and understanding.

The voice…he WAS the Knower!

It really had taken her long enough to figure it out.

Wait, that wasn’t her thought! That stupid- Get out of my head! She snapped the command waspishly in her mind and literally FELT, for the first time, the departure of something subtle but definitely THERE in her mind. It was strange, suddenly feeling it gone and Zefir’enel almost reached out for the presence, the feeling before restraining herself with self-control. No, she didn’t want someone in her head, especially someone who knew exactly what she was doing!

“You seem far away, child.” Tesra’s patient voice brought Zefir’enel back into the present and she blinked, smiling a little in an apologetic way. “I’m sorry. I was…well, I was speaking with the Knower.” Zefir’enel said it in a sort of helpless way. If the older woman was going to think her crazy at least they could get it over and done with now rather than later.

Tesra only chuckled, though, standing and patting her hand. “I suspected as much. The Knower tends to be drawn to those who share his or her sort of power. It only makes sense that you shall meet during your life-time and before your meeting have some mental connection.”

“So, this is…normal?”

The older woman nodded, walking toward her counter and speaking over her shoulder as she pulled more cookies from her strange little heating device. “Oh, yes. Now, the connection you share with the other five is unusual but we shall see what comes of it.”

Zefir’enel blinked. “The other five? What-”

A knock at the door silenced her question and Tesra stood, straightening as she turned with a smile. “I am afraid our time is up, child. I must speak with another mutant now, but I trust you will come again?”

The young woman smiled back politely and stood, bringing her bowl to the sink where she acted on impulse and leaned down to kiss the older woman on the cheek. “Thank you, Tesra. I will be back.” she assured and then left the small house. Her brother met her on the porch and Zefir’enel smiled at him, genuinely.

She wasn’t sure what was going to happen now, same as before, but she felt more confident about the future for today at least. Though, she’d feel a lot better in decent clothes and with her skin, hair and eye-color back to normal.

Time to bug Borin!

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